Sowtware raises $32m in Series B

Cloud Based Tool That Helps Create Perfect Products

Securely connect to your private network on any device with our easy to-use apps. Twingate feels like magic because it quietly.

How our software works

Best developer experience with an obsessive focus on end-user performance.

Built around your customers

No more duplicate tickets or multiple threads. Plain gives you a single customer timeline.

Made to make you fast

Designed with a streamlined UI, keyboard shortcuts and an opinionated workflow.

Share and Collaborate

No sales calls or demos required. Ten minutes from signup to talking to your first customer.

Cloud based tool that helps teams design mobile apps

All your interactions with a customer are shown on a single timeline. You have one relationship with the customer.

Everything in one place

View all your messages without hunting through tickets or multiple threads. You have one relationship with the customer — and now you have a way to see it.


Manage your workload

Stay on top of your and your team’s workload with Queues. Instantly see who needs help, who’s being looked after and who needs a follow up.


What our Customers Say

Made for You

Integrate Into Your any Project

Merged changes instantly go live on our global edge network, putting your content as close as possible to your customers.


You’ve just launched your project.


You need to avoid lost revenue from a website outage.


You need to keep your online retail business running 24/7.


You need advanced settings to set up requests and responses.

Mila Star

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